5 Lessons from piloting the London Office of Data Analytics

by Eddie Copeland

On 25 May 2017 I gave this keynote at the Strata Data Conference at London’s ExCel centre, to share lessons from the London Office of Data Analytics (LODA) pilot.

The video above (and on YouTube) shows the first five minutes of the presentation. To view the full speech, you can sign up for a free 10 day trial of Safari (no credit card details required) then watch the video here.

The slides from my talk are available here.

About LODA

As the British capital’s boroughs and public sector bodies seek to meet spiraling demand in the face of reduced budgets, LODA is a collaboration between the Greater London Authority, Nesta, and ASI Data Science, to explore the potential of applying data analytics to reform public services.

The pilot has focused on using data to predict the location of properties rented out to multiple tenants where the landlord has failed to obtain the correct license. There are estimated to be tens of thousands of these unlicensed houses of multiple occupancy (HMOs) across London, but only a small minority are correctly licensed, representing a loss of revenue for local authorities and often presenting dangerous living conditions for vulnerable tenants.

In this talk, I explain how the project has aimed to overcome the barriers to joining up, analysing, and acting upon public sector data at city scale to address this important challenge.

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