On 23 May 2017 I took part in this BBC Click Radio episode to talk…
personal data
Below is a recording and the full written transcript of a presentation I gave at…
As the age-old saying goes, knowledge is power. The continued relevance of this morsel of…
Though millions have benefitted from the rise of internet giants like Amazon, Facebook and Google,…
Nesta’s Office of Data Analytics (ODA) programme aims to help cities and regions join up,…
I’ve previously written about plans by the GLA’s Andrew Collinge and Nesta to run a…
Here I explain the key messages behind my first report for the Capital City Foundation:…
For all the advances we have seen during the course of the last parliament in…
The role of Data sharing in Public Sector reform: Speech to Socitm Spring Conference 2015
This video shows a speech I gave on 3 April at Dexter House, London, for…
Just days into the New Year and the starting gun for campaigning for the next…
It’s been a tough few weeks for care.data. The roll out of the initiative –…