UK Think Tanks, Mapped

by Eddie Copeland

Where are all the UK’s think tanks? I’ve compiled their address data and mapped them below. (You might find it easier to view the full screen version.) Click on any of the pins to see each think tank’s name, date of founding, address, website and Twitter profile.

View the data.

What do we notice from seeing them mapped?

For a start, 80% of all the office addresses are in London. This is unsurprising given the UK’s centre of political gravity, but some may find it concerning that the vast majority of those seeking to influence policy are based in the capital.

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) should be commended for having a physical presence in Manchester and Newcastle (as IPPR North) and Scotland (as IPPR Scotland), as well as online profiles dedicated to those regions. More think tanks should be encouraged to do the same.

One note: trying to compile a definitive list of UK think tanks is not entirely straightforward. Many organisations covered in other lists I’ve seen I’d regard as being pressure groups, campaigning organisations, or academic departments. Broadly, I have included those organisations who describe themselves as think tanks. It’s not perfect, but it’s a start. They range from the RSA, founded in 1754, to DotEveryone, founded following Martha Lane Fox’s Dimbleby Lecture in 2015.

If you feel there some organisations that really should be added, or notice any mistakes in the data, do please let me know on Twitter.

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